About the webinar
Driven by the EU climate change agenda, the European Green Deal and a €17.5 billion Just Transition Fund, many countries across Central & Eastern Europe are now tackling the social, environmental and technological challenge of closing down coal-fired power plants and migrating to low carbon energy sources.
Britain’s reliance on coal for electricity has fallen from 70% in 1990 to less than 3% today. It was also the first country in the world to commit officially to phasing out its coal operations, by 2024. UK companies have been at the forefront of this process, developing and deploying technologies and solutions to support coal transition, including environmental and social impact assessment; coal methane management; and mine closure and mitigation.
This free DIT CEE webinar provided a great opportunity for coal mine operators, national coal authorities, and other participants in coal transition to hear from UK companies on how their experience and expertise can be applied to challenges in the region.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Tim Buisseret, DIT Country Director Bulgaria (tim.buisseret@fcdo.gov.uk, +359 895 515568) or your local DIT contact.
Speaker profiles and presentations
10:00-10:10 CET
Welcome and introduction

10:10-10:30 CET
Overall management of post-mining heritage

Nick Ethelstone
Head of Commercial Report and Advisory Services
The Coal Authority
Speaker Profile
10:30-10:50 CET
Mine water heat and heat storage in the UK

Alison Monaghan
Principal geologist, MBE MA (Cantab) PhD FGS CGeol
British Geological Survey
Speaker Profile

Charlotte Adams
Commercial Manager – Mine Energy
The Coal Authority
Speaker Profile
10:50-11:10 CET
Environmental aspects of mine closure

11:10-11:30 CET
Financing mechanisms for solar PV on post-mining sites

Ferenc Kis
Renewable Energy Business Development Director
Speaker Profile
11:30-11:50 CET
Using coal shafts to store energy

Ruth Apps
Business Development Manager
Speaker Profile
11:50-12:10 CET
UK coal site reclamation projects

Henry Lang
Ensure Environmental Consulting Ltd
Speaker Profile
12:10-12:30 CET