Henry Lang
Ensure Environmental Consulting Ltd
I am an Environmental and Geological consultant with over 35 years of experience in the provision of environmental management and sustainability services to clients and projects across the UK, Europe and Africa.
This has included being the Project Manager for Environmental Assessments of Mine closure, reclamation and regeneration projects both in the UK and overseas. This covers the full range of associated issues including spoil heap safety assessment and reclamation, the decommissioning of existing facilities and the planning for future regeneration and sustainable development.
My involvement in the strategic development and implementation of mine closure planning has covered the range of ESG and ESMS issues necessary to give communities a sustainable future, by addressing the legacy and future environmental issues that arise from deep or opencast pit closure.This has also included delivering a wide range of ESIA’s and SEMP’s for international developments to criteria including IFC, World Bank and EITI standards.
I set up Ensure Environmental Consulting Ltd in 2016 as a cost-effective virtual consultancy to allow myself and senior colleagues to get back to practical hands-on environmental and social issue resolution, regeneration and land reclamation to deliver a sustainable future.