Dr. Ginés González García
The Ministry of Health of Argentina
Ginés González García is a surgeon. He graduated from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), Healthcare Administration specialist, graduated from University of Buenos Aires (UBA); Master in Healthcare Systems and Social Security, graduated from University of Lomas de Zamora/ISALUD University. Fields of expertise: Heath Policies, Healthcare Systems, Medication, Health Economy.
Honorary President of ISALUD University. Doctorates Honoris Causa from University of Morón, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and University of Buenos Aires. Former Chairman of the Latin American and Caribbean Health Economy Association; Chairman of the Argentine Health Economy Association; Chairman of the Spanish-American Social Security Organisation’s Health Committee.
Former Ambassador to the Republic of Chile (2007-2015); Health Minister of Argentina (2002-2007) and of the Province of Buenos Aires (1988-1991).